Time fade away

Sunday, November 27, 2011

27th November 2011


bila mengodek folder vacation member2 di facebook, ini langsung tidak membantu aku lebih cergas dalam study aku -_- of course la kan.. oh hai.. bile tengok gamba vacation and berangan2 dengan girlfriend nak ke sane sini, hati jadi panas n meruap-ruap.. kepala jadi sakit sebab bende tu bukan reality! x boleh macam ni selalu.. boleh jadi giler!

vacation pilihan aku, aku prefer untuk ke negara 4 musim berbandingkan negara yang terletak kat garisan khatulistiwa ini.. bukan bile aku mention aku berlagak ape2.. sebab aku duduk di Malaysia, yang memang terletak di khatulistiwa ini, so i need something different than my normal mode life :) aku nak feel the winter, autumn and spring :) di mana Malaysia, kite cuma rasa panas/hujan :-/ so aku mungkin tak akan pilih untuk merasa perkara yang sama untuk vacation aku.. he~ lagi pon vacation perlukan duit yang sangat banyak, jadi aku rela double the expenses untuk have the different.. beside, bile aku vacation on 4 seasons country, aku cube untuk stay more than 2-3 weeks sebab bila aku ke sane, aku akan cube ambil sebanyak kesempatan yang ada, ye la kan, nak g ke sane bukan selalu dan senang, jadi bile dapat ke sane, aku take advantage gila2.. dengan learn their culture and visit all place that i can :)

i love to share all experience i gained and have, dari pembelian tiket, cost incurred and being a traveler rather tourist.. seriously best! bila aku cerita balik berapa aku bawak semua, it is not to brag with my dearest friends.. but to tell you, u will get a lot with all you got.. bukan nak mendown kan engkau.. it called discussion based on self experiences.. :) not a time to brag of one self.. ish..

based on pengalaman aku being a month and half di negara negara orang, ( yeah, i jump countries when there is possibilty, that's why i love being traveler sbb aku x terikat dengan mane2 agent bawak jalan2.. so, aku free dengan schedule aku sendiri and dapat ape yang aku mahukan.. :)) the ticket price that ridicolus cheap offered by the prestigous airline on the world,[ thank you to my tiket agent, and i'm keep this connection and helping other friends to get cheap tickets ], money pocket that helping me thru high rate country.. if to compare to a friend experience who was went to east region,with low cost airplane and went for a week, sticking to travel agent agenda, but having a slight higher than mine, nope, thank you i better stick to my plan and list :)

aku tau, there is a lot beautiful Island kat southeast asia ni.. tapi x tertarik kat aku, well because, aku pakai tudung.. aku x rasa enjoy bile aku be in hot island -_- x terbayangkan! with all that outfit! oh tidak. memang tidak.. hey i'm a swimmer! i cudn't resist all the beautiful beaches and coral babe! but,no thanks..

so, singapore is one that aku consider since they have Universal Singapore Studio! such a great place to head after your big final exam.. such a realised! kan? that ok to me, coz aku x perlu nak tolak perasaan tabie aku nak berhibur.. hehe

Bandung or Indonesia, yup, gotta shop till u faint. :) a week is enuf for me to get faint! :D no less o more

not yet to thailand, fillipine coz x jupe the best factor to be there..

oh, aku berdoa sangat2 aku dalam lepaskan perasaan untuk travel dalam masa yang sangat2 dekat ni.. aminnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! cewah, cakap mcm banyak duet! ngko 2 da la nak vogue2 je! :p

aku macam orang yang lepaskan perasaan x tentu arah kan?

hehe.. no la.. it just my opinion.. if any my friends read this, i hope u see what i point about :) ke bahasa aku kasar sangat dalam ni?

tata :)

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